Fall is in the air. I love the Fall; it’s my favorite season. The mountains are starting to turn a beautiful rust color. And I know in a couple weeks I can drive up Provo Canyon and see gorgeous colors. I'm reminded of my time in New England last Fall and it was unforgettable.
Last week I spent four days in Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco, visiting my mom, my brother and his family, my aunt and cousin. That is a spectacular area as well with beautiful vineyards. I had a terrific visit. The time went by way too fast.
It’s been three weeks since I started my most recent chemotherapy. The doctor said if I experienced blisters on my hands, feet, or in my mouth, to stop taking the medication. I was doing pretty well for the first nine days. Then it got to the point that I couldn’t walk on my feet without experiencing that ‘walking on hot coals’ sensation. I stopped taking the pills and within three days my feet were back to normal. I’m currently taking the same pill but 75% of the dosage I was taking earlier. Hopefully I’ll be able to take that amount without experiencing too much discomfort. In three weeks we’ll test again to see if this treatment has been helping.
Other than that, life doesn’t get any better than this. I am still planning on participating in my 60-mile walk for cancer in November in Phoenix. In December I’ll spend a week in Branson seeing several Christmas shows. January will find me in Mexico on a one-week train ride through the Sonora Desert. I’m planning a trip to Catalina Island in April. And May back in Phoenix for my son’s graduation from Law School. The way I look at it I’m open in February and March if anybody needs a traveling companion to some exotic place. My passport is current!
I’m hanging in there with my Econ class. I don’t know how you Econ majors do it. I have my first test on Tuesday. That first test is always a little questionable until you realize what types of tests your professor gives.
The 3-day, 60-mile walk I’m doing will raise money for cancer research. The money goes to the Susan G. Komen research for the cure for breast cancer. Thank you to all those who have donated, your help is greatly appreciated. If anyone else is interested in donating even a dollar or two for cancer research and to help with my goal to raise $2,200 click
here. Thank you very much.
Thank you for all your kinds words, emails, prayers, love, and support. I was wondering if heaven is as much fun as my life is right now. If not, I may be a little hesitant to go. I love my family and friends very much. I know that probably sounds like a trite sentence, I’m not sure how else to word it. EVERY ONE of you means more to me than life itself. I’m planning a maternal girls cousins reunion for next summer. My hope for all my friends is similar to my family reunion, and that is; I wish we could all just get together for a few days. I wish everybody in my life could just stop what they’re doing for a few days and come to the ‘Friends of Darla Reunion’. Just come, be a part, have fun, get caught up, laugh, eat. I wish I could see you, spend time with you, and just let you know how important you are in my life. If I had a lifetime of empty Februarys and Marchs I’d spend every minute with you. Thank you for being a part of my life.