Yea Mom!
we are SO proud of our mom, who has run up and down the field multiple times to earn her degree. that's right...she did it! and we couldn't be more proud. not only did she earn her degree, but she was also the valedictorian of her class! today we were able to attend a graduation ceremony held in mom's honor. there were tears shed but lots more smiles.
(by the way, doesn't she look GREAT!)

Vice President of Academics, John Tanner was there presiding over the ceremony. We were able to here wonderful messages from not only him, but also Gary Cornia Dean of The Marriott School of Business and a wonderful woman representing the Continuing Education Program (her name has slipped my's been a long day). it was an amazing ceremony, for an amazing woman.

there were so many there to support and cheer for her on this big day. thank you all for your love and support.
now off to mt. rushmore!
Darla, I looked for your phone number today to let you know we were thinking of you and didn't have it so I figured this was the next best thing. Congrats - we're so proud of you. You're in our prayers and we're thinking of you. Have a great time in Mt. Rushmore.
Love you!
Darla, you are amazing, we think about you everyday! Congrats on graduating, and have fun seeing Mt. Rushmore! We love you!
WOOP WOOP Hooray! I'm proud of you Darla! Can't wait to hear the stories about the Mt. Rushmore saga....hope you beat the big storm back! XOXO
Congratulations! What a big day! Have a great time in Mt. Rushmore! You just never stop! XOXO
Darla, I just wanted to say I love you, have thought about you often the last few years, and really wish I would have come by to visit when I thought about it. You were my first great visiting teacher, and I will always remember that. Thank you for your visits, and friendship. In reading this blog, it sounds just like you. Your optimism is contagious.
Love Julie
HOORAY! Congratulations on such a great accomplishment. Have SO much fun at Mt Rushmore!
Congratulations on graduating Darla! What an accomplishment. I just wanted to tell you how much I have looked up to you as I have known you. I know I haven't seen you in years, but through the blogging world I have been reaquainted with your optimism and zest for life. You truly are an inspiration to me. Dan-congrats to you on passing your test. You have a beautiful family, and thanks for the update on your mom. You and your family will be in my prayers.
Darla, you are so amazing! We love you so much.
Hi Darla, this is Krissie. I had no idea you have a blog and I have loved being able to reconnect with YOU. What a wonderful night last night was. It's not often you get the opportunity to celebrate someone's life while they are still with us and though you weren't able to be with us physically the spirit of you was definitely there in a variety of ways. You are owed a huge CONGRATS and WAY TO GO GIRL on graduating from college. My Dad told me all about it and the neat story the dean told. We were able to get a glimpse of the day and event on your video. A graduation cap and gown definitely suits you :) Though I have a lifetime of memories of you being in my life (I even remember Dan and Mauri's Waterford uniforms!), I loved having the chance to just sit and laugh with you on the bench at the ropes course at our last family reunion. That's just you. A joy giver.
And honestly one of the best laughs and smiles...ever. Always finding the bright side of life. Like my Dad said, you will live on in a variety of ways both on this earth and on the other side, but specifically through your children. I was so impressed by all of your children in the video and told Dan specifically I admired his strength and courage. He did great last night and was such "an oldest" and a "DIT." What an incredible family you have with an incredible legacy you are passing on. I love you Darla. Thank you for all of you and the example you have led. You are an incredible woman. Though I KNOW I will get to see you in the next life, I will miss seeing you in this one. Until then...It's not good bye, it's see ya soon.
LOVE LOVE AND LOVE--Big Kisses and HUGS!!!!!
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