Thursday, February 26, 2009

Add me as a (visual) supporter.

I like to think of this as a "reverse-mullet," in a split personality sort of way -- supportive in the back and selfish in the front. Sure love you Mom, in the front and in the back. My hair that was cut is going to Locks of Love. Locks of Love = Lots of Love. Love you!


Darla said...

My Sweet Jennakins. Your haircut looks adorable. What a wonderful support group I have. You all bring tears to my eyes. I love you very much.

Amanda said...

Jenna, you look super cute! You're so funny "supportive in the back and selfish in the front" I'm seriously still laughing about it.

Carolyn said...

Jenna You look dahlink! And you were afraid it was going to look's a great cut. Darla what a team you've got!

Miriam said...

What a great family you have!!!!!!