Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Again, Home Again

Well after having been away from home for the past seven weeks; and delinquent on my blogging. I am finally home again and know I need a quick update because of all my wonderful friends calling me to see if I have fallen off the face of the earth, due to the lack of posts. Nope, I’m still alive and kicking. Actually, I couldn’t be better.

I first spent some time in Phoenix visiting my newest granddaughter. She is now almost two months old and looks quite a bit like her daddy.

Minus the pink bow of course.

I headed up to St. Johns, Arizona for two weeks of bliss during Christmas and New Years. You couldn’t ask for a more peaceful location. Thanks to the expertise of St. Johns Ice, we had a fun day of ice blocking.

After wishing my fifth grandchild a happy 2nd birthday I was off to San Diego for three weeks.

She may fall under the “two year old category” but how could you say “no” to those big brown eyes?

And who wouldn’t enjoy the 80-degree weather in San Diego? I had a terrific three weeks. I stayed at a health institute and detoxed. Yes, fruit, celery sticks, and tomatoes would fall under the raw food diet I partook of, or lack of partaking of. But I walked away cleansed. Or was it empty?

Heading back home took me through Phoenix and St. Johns again so I could enjoy a few more days with four adorable grandkids and two terrific offspring and their amazing spouses. Only to pull into my garage, after driving all day with Jenna and her kids and having Mauri and her family pull up into the driveway just seconds behind us. After not seeing Mauri and her wonderful children and handsome husband for almost two months, it was an absolute joy to have them meet us just as we got home.

So here I am back home again sitting at my computer giving you a short and quick update just to let you know life doesn’t get any better than this. Of course getting back home in time to celebrate my 3rd grandchild turning 3.

With seven grandchildren and the oldest being four, there is never a dull moment with the Colton/Brewer/Jarvis clan.

Oh and by-the-way for those of you interested in the Economics class I took last semester (for the third time) I finally passed. Yeah for 82%!!! What a great feeling to sell that book back to the BYU Bookstore and head out of town.


Anonymous said...

So glad you are home and doing so well. Your grandbabies are adorable. Congratulations on passing your class!!!

Amanda said...

Busy, busy lady! Sounds like you had a lot of fun though. Can't wait to see you tomorrow and hear about the detox clinic in SD!

Miriam said...

Glad to finally hear from you--I was beginning to worry too. Just last night I was thinking about you and why you weren't blogging. You look beautiful and radiant in the picture! You are fortunate that you can travel and spend time doing wonderful things and spending time with your family--no job to tie you down! We need to do lunch again sometime soon.
Take Care,