Monday, July 13, 2009

Updates Updates

Sometimes I sit at my computer and stare at the screen. What shall I say, what shall I write... do people really want to read about my health issues? Often people write or call me and ask, "How are you REALLY feeling?" I do get the impression you are genuinely interested. Keep in mind I do feel terrific! As noted from the list to the left, the cancer count did go up slightly, however it has been about three weeks since my last treatment so I was expecting some increase.

As you know the cancer is in my bones, kidneys, and liver. I got a CT scan on Wednesday, July 8 and found out that the lesions in my liver have grown. The doctor doesn't feel concerned that they have grown enough to require surgery to remove part of my liver. But he feels like the current chemotherapy treatment has run it's course and it's time to switch to something else. For those who follow the different treatments I have had, I started off with Fulvestrant (Faslodex), then Xeloda, then Abraxane, and next... we'll have to wait a few days before we see what the next one will be. He will talk to his colleagues about Gemcitabine. We'll see what his team thinks. I'll keep you updated.

But for now the grandchildren and I have parks to play in, books to read, cookies to bake, pools to swim in, and trees to climb.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we really care about you and knowing how you are doing in overcoming this cancer challenge. :) You are special to all of us. So loved the picture of President and Sister England. I assume that was Elder C's dad. Such a goof picture. You continue to amaze me.

Unknown said...

I am hoping and praying you stay strong and beat this thing! Big hugs.